Friday, April 16, 2010

1. Current addiction :
Twinkies and Orange Juice.

2. I don't have much to say, been busy and all's just not going as planned. Bab*tuuuuuuut*.

3. But am glad that my parcel is here. Thank you Mommy and Ayah :) And Abg Din and Abg Faiz too.

4. Ada peribahasa baru. ''Janggut yang panjang jangan disangka baik'' Baba tak bagi pindah. Padanlah muka kena bayar bil entah berapa. Tengok-tengok bulan depan 800. Terbang lagi duit. -___- Oh and yay me for sticking to the I-won't-ask-for-money-even-when-I-don't-have-any. It's not easy, trust me.

5. I hate it when I get upset and tired and cranky, not only because it makes me look ugly-
er, but also because then people might think that I am sombong and not wanna be friends with me. :S

6. And stop wanting to restart my laptop for updates dammit, I'm using it now! Urgh. Don't blame me, blame the hormones. Pffft.

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