Fu*k it maannnnnn, Pysio esok okay but still mcm apa je. This is the paper I'm most least prepared for. Not to say that I'm, boasting with confidence for other papers so far, but at least I wont be as empty-headed and as blur as this one. This is 3 thick books, which is equivalent to 6 whole, long chapters we're talking about and I need to score at least 75 marks to pass. Oh Lord, please be with me this time.
We went on a Firakh Masywi hunt this morning, Mye, Anis and me. That means grilled chicken. Who needs Kenny Roger's when it's all by the roadside? Pfft.
Sighs. Physiology oh Physiology. You make me wanna cry so hard and sit on my bed, with my earphones on, singing my lungs out to crappy, shitty songs.
This video is very cute, have been addicted to it ever since. :)